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Outsource Link Building: Choosing The Right Backlink Agency

By the Rhino Rank team
19th Feb 2024

Link building is a critical part of any SEO strategy, but it has to be done right.

Outsourcing link building is one solution.

By finding a reliable link building agency, you can capitalize on their specialized skillset without needing to worry about how you’re going to keep up with current trends and the demands of SEO.

In this blog post, we explain the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing your link building, how to choose the right outsourced link building agency for you, and how to measure success.

Key Takeaways

  • Outsource link building can result in increased organic traffic and higher search engine rankings.
  • Choose the right link building agency by conducting industry research, assessing expertise, and analyzing real client case studies.
  • Monitor success with SEO tools and foster effective collaboration through open communication for optimal results.

Understanding the Importance of Outsourcing Link Building

The more high quality backlinks your website has, the better its chance of ranking higher in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). So, it’s no surprise that many businesses outsource link building as part of their digital marketing strategy so they can tap into the specialized knowledge of industry experts.

Every link to your website is seen as a vote of confidence in the eyes of Google and other search engines. So, having a strong and diverse backlink portfolio is key to unlocking better website authority, organic traffic, and keyword rankings.


Advantages and Disadvantages of Outsourced Link Building

Careful consideration should be taken when assessing if outsourced link building is the right solution for you. Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of using an agency to build your links is crucial.

Advantages of Outsourced Link Building

Outsourcing link building has several advantages:

  • Save time and resources – Link building is a very repetitive and time consuming SEO task, so you can save a considerable amount of time and effort by offloading it to an experienced agency.
  • Access specialized expertise – You can leverage the expertise and network of industry experts, which will give you a higher chance of obtaining relevant and authoritative links.
  • Cost saving – Working with a link building agency is often much more cost effective than hiring, training, and running an in-house link building team.

Disadvantages of Outsourced Link Building

Despite the benefits listed above, there are potential risks around outsourcing link building:

  • Limited control – By working with an agency, you will be giving them control over which sites your links appear on, and the content that surrounds each link.
  • Bad partnerships – Some agencies may use spammy, black-hat, or outdated techniques that can harm your site’s reputation and ranking, such as using Link Farms, PBNs, and building links from spammy or low-quality sites.

To counter this, you need to find an agency that has a reliable track record of providing their clients with relevant, authoritative backlinks that generate real results. Outsourcing link building to the right agency can help you achieve your SEO goals faster and easier.

How to Choose the Right Link Building Agency

Finding the best person to outsource your link building to can be a challenge.

First, you must decide who you want to outsource your link building to, an independent freelancer or a specialist agency. It is easy to find and compare SEO freelancers on sites like Fiverrr and Upwork – you can read through real client reviews, and compare their work history and pricing. However, it can be extremely difficult to gauge the quality of a freelance link builder and you run the risk of partnering with someone who uses spammy link building tactics. On the other hand, outsourcing your link building to an experienced SEO agency can be more expensive, but the benefits often outweigh the cost as you will have access to a team of industry experts who can build you a bespoke link building strategy that drives real results.

But how do you find a good link building agency?

  • Track record – It is crucial to assess an agency’s proficiency and ability before partnering with them. Testimonials and client case studies are great ways of uncovering how experienced the company is, the results they are generating, and if it is meeting the needs and expectations of its clients.
  • Price – Link building is a very complex and time consuming task if done correctly. So any agency that has extremely low prices, immediate results, or is constantly offering free gifts, will likely only build you very poor quality links, which can damage your website’s authority.
  • Honesty – Creating a strong working relationship will require good communication between you and the selected company. Make sure there’s no hard selling and that you’re not being pressured into buying a service before understanding what is involved.
  • Reporting – Being able to see where your money is being spent is fundamental. Being able to track what sites your links are being placed on, and the impact this has on your website’s authority and traffic, will help you to assess the effectiveness of your link building activities.

Types of Link Building Services Offered by Agencies

Link building agencies offer a range of services tailored to fit your individual requirements and budget. Typically, these services are split into two categories:

  1. Managed link building plans – This is where the agency will take full control of your link building process. Usually, you will pay a monthly fee and they will build you a personal link building strategy, deciding what links should be created and where they should be placed to have the biggest impact. A managed service is the perfect service for someone who is serious about long-term link building.
  2. Pay per-link plans – This is the cheapest and most flexible way to buy links, as there is long contract involved. You simply choose the quality and quantity of links you want, input your link details (including the landing page URL and the anchor text you want to use), and place your order. This plan is ideal for those who are just learning about link building, or those who already have their own SEO strategy and are just looking to outsource the manual work involved in building links.

Both services utilize different link building methods and have the potential to increase site visibility significantly if correctly applied, the service you choose will depend on your business goals and marketing budget.

Monitoring and Measuring the Success of Your Outsourced Link Building Efforts

To ensure that your link building efforts remain efficient and impactful, it is essential to monitor the success of your outsourced link building campaigns.

Tools like Google Analytics, SEMRush, or Ahrefs can all be used to track your organic traffic levels as well as search engine rankings, and other key SEO performance indicators. By analyzing this data, you will be able to identify areas of improvement and develop your link building efforts accordingly.

By having monthly reports and quarterly review meetings with your chosen link building agency, you will be able to develop a better understanding of where your links are being placed, which links are delivering the best results, and use key SEO metrics to identify any missed or new opportunities. This is also a great time to ask any questions you have about building links, such as what anchor text should be used for your links.

What to Avoid When Outsourcing Link Building

Outsourcing a link building service should be done carefully to avoid common mistakes. For example, you should avoid agencies that promise instant results. This is because building quality links takes time and involves several processes, including pitching the link placement to the website owner, creating the link and surrounding content, setting the link live, and then ensuring the page is re-indexed by Google. So, any agencies that promise to do all this quickly are likely building spammy links or poor quality links that could damage your website’s reputation and rankings long-term.

Therefore, when looking into potential agencies, initial research must take place to ensure the agency you choose can provide you with a quality service that matches your business goals. After all, it should be remembered that search engines prioritize high quality links over low quality links, as it’s these links that drive the most value to your website.

Case Studies: Successful Outsourced Link Building Projects

Exploring an agency’s case studies is a great way to assess how successful their backlink services are. When analyzing case studies, it’s important to look for which strategies were used, and the type of results that were generated.

At Rhino Rank, we’re proud of the results we deliver for our clients – and these case studies highlight how we achieve success in some of the most challenging and competitive industries:

Case Study 1: Ecommerce

Our Ecommerce case study outlines how one of our ecommerce clients utilized Curated Links to increase their organic traffic by 1,900%. This resulted in a significant boost in their online revenue and saw a 177% increase in orders for their most popular product in just 6 months.

 Ecommerce link building - traffic increase

Case Study 2: FinTech

Our FinTech case study showcases how a well-executed  link building strategy significantly boosted our client’s traffic by 374% and resulted in them appearing on page one of the search engine rankings for 16 of their 25 target keywords – which is a fantastic achievement.

FinTech link building - traffic increase


A well-chosen firm can help companies make full use of these effective link building strategies to unlock higher levels of performance. By utilizing SEO reseller services that focus on building relevant and high quality links, businesses can increase their SEO capabilities by accessing the specialized expertise that is necessary for success. In addition, utilizing link building services allows businesses to save a huge amount of time, meaning they can focus their attention on other tasks, such as content creation and paid advertising. By working with an outsourcing agency that provides clear communication and is transparent in its pricing, link building methods, and reporting, you can ensure you are receiving the best quality of service.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is link building?

Put simply, link building refers to getting other websites to link to your own website, to enhance its visibility and drive more website authority in Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). You can build backlinks by buying curated links or niche edits, by publishing guest posts, or by building connections with industry influencers.

Does link building still work?

Yes! Link building is still a vital part of SEO and link builder continues to be instrumental in websites gaining higher ranking on search engines. Therefore, creating quality links remains an important strategy for increasing website visibility and credibility.

How much should I pay for link building?

Link building can cost from as low as $20 to as much as $20,000, with many link building agencies charging several hundred dollars for a “good quality” link. Therefore, you must evaluate your business needs and budget before hiring in-house link builders or an SEO agency to build links for your site.

How do you outsource backlinking?

Before you outsource backlinking, be sure that your website is well-prepared for the link building process and has a range of high quality content that can be linked to. Consider your budget carefully and look for a professional and reputable agency that understands your brand and target audience. There are various link building services available, so be sure to select the one that works best with your needs and long-term goals, as this will help ensure you get optimal results from outsourcing efforts.

What are the key benefits of outsourcing link building?

Utilizing the outsourcing of quality link building services provides several benefits, including saving you time and resources, having access to specialized expertise, being able to create higher quality links, and being able to see the SEO benefits quicker.

What other SEO services can you outsource?

Outsourced SEO involves hiring an agency or freelancer to implement SEO strategies for your business.  The most popular outsourced SEO services are: on-page optimization, off-page optimization, content creation, technical SEO, and local SEO.