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What is Domain Authority? The Ultimate Moz DA Guide

By the Rhino Rank team
12th Feb 2024

To rank well on Google, websites must publish high quality content, have a strong backlink profile, and have a high Domain Authority (DA) score.

But what is Domain Authority (DA) and why is it important?

In this blog post, we’ll take a look into the importance of Moz DA when evaluating websites and their potential ranking power. Knowing how to leverage these insights can help boost your site’s performance and online visibility.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding Moz DA is essential for website owners to assess their site’s authority and potential domain ranking power.
  • Moz DA checker tools provide valuable insights into website domain/page authority, enabling users to compare their sites against competitors and identify areas for improvement.
  • Analyzing competitor backlink profiles and content strategies can help improve your SEO performance and gain a competitive edge.

Understanding Moz DA: The Key to Website Authority

At Rhino Rank we use Moz, an industry-leading SEO tool, to measure a site’s Domain Authority, ensuring we only place backlinks and Guest Posts on relevant and authoritative websites.

But what is Moz Domain Authority (DA)?

Moz Domain Authority (DA) is an essential metric for assessing a website’s potential to rank highly in search engine results on a scale of 1 to 100. DA scores can then be analyzed with the help of a ‘Website Authority Checker Tool’ which provides insight into a site’s ability to generate SERPs.

In the SEO industry, the Domain Authority score is considered one of the best indicators of your website’s ranking power. So, a high Domain Authority score indicates that your website is trusted by Google and other search engines, and has a better chance of ranking well on search engine result pages (SERPs). On the other hand, a site with a low Domain Authority score will find it very hard to rank for competitive keywords.

Understanding this concept and looking for ways to improve your Domain authority through strategies, like building backlinks, will inevitably help your business grow and attract more visits and sales.


How Moz DA is Calculated

Moz DA is calculated using a complex SEO algorithm and is based on multiple factors, including linking root domains quantity, the number of both incoming and outgoing links, the relevance of those links, and the age of the entire domain. Therefore, consistently building high quality backlinks is essential if you want to have a high Domain Authority score, as this will demonstrate your site’s credibility and authority to search engines.

DA vs. PA: The Difference Between Domain Authority and Page Authority

Domain Authority (DA) and Page Authority (PA) are two metrics used by Moz for assessing a website’s rankability, but what’s the difference between the two?

  • Domain Authority (DA) score predicts how well a domain as a whole will rank.
  • Page Authority (PA) score predicts how well an individual page will rank.

Understanding how these two authority scores vary will help you assess the ranking power of your website as a whole, as well as its specific pages. Meaning you can accurately analyze and implement SEO performance optimization strategies.

Harnessing the Power of a DA Checker Tools

A Domain Authority checker tool, like Moz, is essential for evaluating and improving a website’s SEO performance. These tools can give useful data about your site’s DA rating, PA rating, as well as other SEO metrics that influence search engine rankings – helping to identify possible areas of improvement so that strategies may be created to raise a website’s ranking power.

Bulk DA Checkers: Analyzing Multiple Domains at Once

One major advantage of using a bulk DA checker is its ability to inspect multiple domains simultaneously. This will save you considerable time and effort, especially when conducting competitor analysis and comparing different sites against each other.

For example, the Moz DA checker tool allows visitors to scan up to 3 sites at once, while registered users can scan 25 domains in one go. However, if you’re looking to quickly evaluate hundreds of sites then PrePost SEO may be the tool for you, allowing users to analyze the Domain Authority and Page Authority of 500 websites at once.

Bulk checking has multiple advantages such as allowing you to quickly assess and compare each site’s domain authority and spam score, making it easier to make effective data-driven decisions, such as which websites you should partner with for link building.

Free vs. Paid: Choosing the Right DA Checker Tool

When choosing between a free Domain Authority checker tool and a paid tool, it is important to look into what’s included in both options and select the tool that best matches your needs. Things to keep in mind include:

Free DA checker tools, such as Moz’s ‘Free Domain Authority Checker’, allow you to quickly view a site’s basic SEO metrics, and are usually the SEO tool of choice for small businesses. However, there is often a limit to how many sites you can analyze per day, and often free tools will have limitations if you want to conduct more in depth analysis, like competitive backlink analysis.

Paid DA checker tools, such as Moz Pro, come loaded with advanced functions and features, making them the perfect tool for marketing agencies or SEO professionals. For example, Moz Pro enables users to accurately track their keyword ratings, crawl and audit multiple websites and will suggest new link building opportunities.

Both DA checker tools offer great SEO insights, so whether you select a free to paid DA tool will depend on your specific business goals and marketing budget.

Strategies to Improve Your Moz DA Score

Increasing your website’s DA score is essential to improving its search engine position. Strategies to improve Domain Authority include improving your on-page SEO, such as publishing relevant and valuable content and growing your site’s internal link structure, and improving your off-page SEO, such as building high quality backlinks through Curated Links and Guest Posting.

By focusing on these areas, you will increase the authority and trustworthiness of your website, which will enable it to rank higher for relevant search queries on Google.

Building High Quality Backlinks

Getting quality backlinks is essential for increasing a website’s Domain Authority and search engine position. When other trustworthy websites provide links to your page, this signals to the search engines that the page is trustworthy and has value, which can lead to higher site authority and ranking potential.

The best way of obtaining high quality external links from authoritative sources in your industry will be through guest blogging or curated link building. One of the most efficient ways to build backlinks through is to outsource the task to an experienced and reliable link building agency. This allows business owners to team up with SEO experts and ensure they get the most value for money.

You should also utilize social media and contribute to industry-specific forums, as these actions will help boost your brand exposure and allow you to communicate with your target audience directly.

Creating Engaging, Valuable Content

Creating valuable, interesting content is essential for increasing engagement and improving your DA score. To make content that earns organic backlinks that add to the authority of a website, concentrate on being original and make sure you address the needs, interests, and pain points of your target audience.

Developing noteworthy pieces of content will allow you to:

  • Attract more brand mentions and backlinks
  • Develop long-term connections with other websites involved in the same niche
  • Achieve better ranking results and generate more organic website traffic

Optimizing Your Website’s SEO Structure

To improve your chances of appearing in search results and boost your Domain Authority score, optimizing your site’s SEO structure is key. This involves constructing a logical website structure, adding internal links to navigate through pages easily, having straightforward URLs that are user-friendly, as well as including relevant keywords throughout the content.

These measures can help make it easier for search engines to crawl and index every page on your site, which will result in increased visibility online. This optimization will also create an improved experience for visitors, who naturally stay longer on the website while engaging more with your content.

Monitoring Your Progress: Tracking Moz DA Over Time

Tracking your Moz DA score over time is an essential part of assessing the effectiveness of your SEO techniques. By noting any changes in your website authority, you can quickly identify both positives and negatives in your strategy so that data-driven improvements may be made, a necessary skill for securing continued search engine ranking success.

Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses

Tracking the Domain Authority of your website on an ongoing basis can give you insight into where it excels and areas that need improvement. Analyzing your site using Mos’s ‘Free Domain Authority Checker’ on a monthly basis will help you monitor your site’s domain score and authority score.

With this information, you can effectively plan an SEO strategy that is designed to improve your visibility and authoritativeness. SEO strategies often involve link building with higher-authority websites, as this will naturally help boost the trustworthiness and authority of your own site.

Adjusting Your Strategy According to DA Fluctuations

Fluctuations in Domain Authority are a frequent event within the ever-shifting realm of SEO, and adapting your plan to account for any alterations is essential. When there’s an unexpected dip in your site’s DA rating, it is crucial to take time to review the site’s backlink profile, content production and quality, check domain authority, content approach as well as overall SEO structure so you can identify likely issues and areas that need improvement.

It should be noted that Moz DA continuously updates based on the quality and quantity of the backlinks it finds. Therefore, it’s key to keep track of what changes have been made concerning the website’s backlink profile if you want success when it comes to Google search engine ranking.

Comparing Your Website to Competitors with Moz DA

Comparing your Moz Domain Authority against your competitors provides useful information about your site’s ranking potential, what is being done right or wrong as far as link structure goes, and helps find areas that need improvements.

Analyzing Competitor Backlink Profiles

Researching competitors’ backlink profiles can be helpful in several ways. With the help of tools like SEMRush and Ahrefs, you can better understand competitor SEO methods and link building strategies. By gaining insights into their backlink building tactics, you can easily identify potential link building prospects and backlink opportunities.

Through this analysis, it is possible to distinguish what types of websites offer authoritative backlinks for your competition, and therefore create a plan that will enable you to also obtain these quality links, which could improve your Domain Authority score as well.

Learning from Competitor Content Strategies

Analyzing your competition’s content strategy can help you generate interesting, valuable material that drives organic traffic, attracts backlinks, and strengthens the authority of your website. Examining what kind of content they create, the topics discussed and their approach to content as a whole will reveal potential gaps in your content plan.

Analyzing a competitor’s SEO tactics is key to creating original and effective content that has a higher chance of grabbing a user’s attention and attracting high quality backlinks, which will naturally improve a site’s Domain Authority scoring.


It is essential to recognize and use Moz DA as a way of measuring your website’s online influence, domain authority and individual page authority, and potential to rank in search engine result pages (SERPs).

By producing unique and compelling content, creating high quality backlinks, and improving the on-page SEO of your website, you can improve your Domain Authority rating while simultaneously outperforming competing sites. And with over 250,000 new websites and 4.2 billion pieces of content being created every day, standing out from the competition has never been more important.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Moz Domain Authority (DA)?

Moz Domain Authority (DA) is a score that predicts how likely a website is to rank in search engine result pages (SERPs) on a scale of 1 to 100. This score is dependent on a range of factors including domain age and the total number of unique authoritative backlinks a site has.

What is a good Domain Authority?

Generally, a poor Domain Authority score is anything between 0-20. Anywhere between 20-30 is considered low and between 30-50 is considered good. If a website has a DA score of 50-60, then the site will be considered high quality, and a DA score of over 60 is considered excellent.

How to increase Domain Authority?

To boost your Domain Authority score, you should primarily focus on improving your off-page SEO processes and generating more backlinks from different, high authority websites. This is because when Moz assesses a site’s link profile, it will only take into account the number of unique backlinks. For example, if you have 100 links but they’re all from the same website then Moz will consider this as 1 root domain.

Carrying out on-page SEO, producing high quality content as well as completing a regular link audit (including elimination of spammy backlinks) will also help to increase the Domain Authority score.

What is the best Domain Authority checker tool?

There are various bulk DA checker tools that can be used to compare the Domain Authority of multiple websites. However, at Rhino Rank we use Moz, an industry-leading SEO tool, to measure each site’s domain metrics and ensure we only deliver relevant and powerful links to our clients.

How can I analyze my competitor’s backlink profile?

You can quickly analyze the backlink profile of your competitors using tools like SEMRush and Ahrefs. These services will reveal various aspects of their SEO plans such as the quality of links they have acquired and the types of websites linked with them.